oh my goodness, my little man is 11 months! where did the time go!!??
He is the silliest, happiest, most curious baby you will ever meet. He loves to laugh, and be chased around the house. He loves to read and talk and explore, you can often find him getting into something, like shredding newspapers, chasing the dog, playing in the dog bowl, throwing things in the toilet and trying to flush them down, pulling all the toilet paper off the roll and squealing in delight or just simply pulling out every item from his toyboy, or the cd cupboard, or dish cupboard or fridge. One word to describe him... BUSY!!! you are always smashing or hitting something, making noise any way possible. You think the washing machine and drier are fascinating, and always want to be apart of everything! You know how to HIGH FIVE! you are a great mimic of nearly everything. You are already babbling your own little language all of the time and know some of our words too! You say bUh baaa and wave which is super cute! and words like mama, dada, baba (bottle) , buh (book), buuh baa (bye bye), Ho Ho Ho and sing OOOOOOOOOooooo and LALLALALALA. Screaming is a great new hobby then laughing when it echos through the kitchen.
You have 8, count em' 8 TEETH!!! and 2 more Eye teeth on the way! Mommy and Daddy are impressed by your walking! You can do 5 steps on your own now but cruise everything in site at a see and can just stand on your own with out even trying to balance for ages, it is incredible. You are so strong and can do squats 100 time better than mommy could ever even try! You climb the stairs and do anything you can to get higher! like push your toys or the diaper bag against things to climb to the next level and most recently I foudn you hanging off the baby gate!! YOU MONKEY. It is hilarious! You can even escape your highchair with some amazing acrobatics. We think you are a little smartiepants and the cutest little boy we've ever seen..
Little guy you make mommy and daddy smile everyday you snuggle the best, you laugh the best, you bring us so much joy. Happy 11 months!
1 comment:
Heather, I can feel the energy and love you have for this little guy. He is such a cutie. You are a very good mommy :)
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