hmm a new season of creativity perhaps?
I suddenly want to put down my paintbrush and create other stuff..
i have a desire to just make silly stuff, take pics, I kinda want to learn how to crotchet.
I found this, aaaand I am obsessed with it.
I think this obsession started with a new hat I found in a little shop in wiarton. A friend of mine and I purchased these cute little crotchet baby hats with owls on them. I love it. The coming fall my little man will be soo stink'n cute sport'n and little who' owl on his little head.
Then 2 other friends, make all these great things and it got me think'n I WANNA MAKE STUFF TOO!!! So here I enter a new season.
I still want to paint. I still will paint, but perhaps gone are the days where I get uptight and stress about new collections. I want to rest, just be' and enjoy this new season of creating in complete freedom without expectation. It is a season of reconnecting, of growing, of just making stuff.
Heather I love it! Isn't it freeing to just make stuff? I need to see this owl hat..... And I will make a hat for Jack!
do it.
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