Well as you may or may not know we have had a loong awaited backyard makeover done this summer. We waiting all summer trying not to wish it away for a new tv show to come called "Decked out!" where they transform boring lifeless backyards like ours into a wonderfully, serene fantasy wonderland bursting with life and colour that it kinda takes your breath away.
This makeover started about 3 weeks ago now, they came it drew up "the vision" and we recieved a computer generated version of what our backyard would look like. Excited seeing the potential of what our home could be we signed a contract, locked in and started to wait. Waiting waiting waiting waiting. lifeless, boring backyard, sitting unused all summer!!
and then day was here, they started! at first they started digging, digging digging digging, and when you though they were done, there was more digging. They said it was the worst dig they have done in 15 years. Total destruction of the entire backyard. i couldn't believe how long this took! It seemed that 2 weeks of the project was just digging! In the midst of digging how on earth can you ever see even a hint of what it might look like in the end? My mom happened to see pics of the muddy mess and said wow what a great object lesson!
Now you have to understand something about me and God, He is continuously showing me things. I am so visual that when he really wants me to hear something he acts it out right in front of my face to make sure i am listening...
'object lesson' - bam He does it again. God showing me, putting it right in front of my face. My mudpit of a backyard is me, it is us. All of us, we are all mudpits, then he digs and digs, sometimes days, weeks or even years go by where he is digging us a but it is all for a purpose to rebuild us into masterpieces. I listened to the complaining, ahh we all do that soo well! Stupid Rocks, so hard to get out, grunting in the heat, Bricks, rocks, rebar, digging through the clay, removing it, laying a new, clean, and building a strong foundation. All for transformation. The whole project has had so many levels of building, planning and preparation just to make sure that it is all done right. It makes me stop, reminded of all those years I complained about digging, about begin dug.
So where am I now? I think i am past all the digging. I watched as they laid the foundation of the interlock and flagstone, they dig up all the earth with a huuge machine then lay new dirt down, pack it in and then do it again, each time, a new layer, building it up more and more so that the foundation doesn't shift. I was dug for years, God pulled out sooo many rocks. I think I still get dug up a bit but maybe it is just a replanting or weeding rather than the whole over haul. My foundation is laid, it is strong and unmovable. My main structures are up, and they are starting to take shape, I am starting to see the vision that Papa has for me. The one he planned long ago in old blueprints that I see resting in a cubby above his desk, I can see him pull them out and spread them wide across his desk to look at them, rather than a digital copy, his are hand drawn. with a blue illustration pencil, they are incredibly detailed & beautiful. There is so much time spent in drafting every detail of his Vision for me. He is proud of my progress.
I think this year is the time of the big build... After watching weeks of labourious work, it was amazing that once the hard work was done, and the foundation was laid and main basic structure was up, after seeing a hint of the basic shape, it all came together so quickly and became more and more beautiful... and even when it looked finished, the stylist and landscapers came to dress it, luxurious fabrics, flower arrangements, table settings, flowers and shrubs, every detail, perfect, unique and beautiful and adding their final touches. Hmm God is so good like that, even when we look done, he makes us even more spectacular, bursting with life and colour.
so it is finally finished, excited to see what God makes of me, I guess I'll have to wait and see. But as for my backyard after weeks of a mess my little oasis is here, this magical little space that kinda takes my breath away.
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