Day 6... but only day 3 for nap time. Night time we seemed to have conquered, he doesn't even try to make up excuses or get out, he just goes to sleep. But nap time on the other hand seems to be tough..
I think the problem lies in that I work part time. So 1/2 the time he is with me and the other 1/2 he is at a sitter. There haven't been enough consistent days with us for him to know that nap time you go to sleep with out a fight and you sleep in the bed! as soon as he starts to get it, the next day he is somewhere else. So there is not a consistent routine there that he knows he can rely on. This morning he woke up something awful like 6:30, uggh, and woke up once last night. We tried having quiet time in our bed, we tried just letting him wander upstairs, and turn on the lights dim in his room so he could play but nope, uggh he just wanted downstairs, while shaking the gate and crying/complaining at the stairs Luke let me sleep and got up with him.
Luke is in his last course of his MBA so after a while down he went to do his work while I played with jack, but with such an early rise he was just out of sorts and didn't know what he wanted. Crying and fussy I decided even though it was earlier than normal and hoping to push him till 1 to go for a nap so I know he'd go down smooth again, by 11 am I knew it was already time. So off we went with the regular routine, brought him up to read stories in mommy's bed and i was open to him perking up and us playing longer he just started to get worse, so by the 10th book and up and down the stairs for milk, then waffles, then noodles, then cheese, which he threw all on the floor and didn't really want. We finished one last book and headed to bed. Out came the water works, upset about everything and bed and soother and blankets and dog and nothing was right for him. I tried to calm him down but nothing would work. I find when I'm exhausted (was up till 1:30, then awaken by jack at 2:30 then again at 6/6:30 and growing a baby and not sleeping well at all) I just have a shorter fuse on patience. After the 7th out of bed and returning him, I could hear Luke downstairs and asked him to help. So then it still continued. The boy that goes donw so easy for his daddy did the same thing he had been doing to mommy, back luke with patience cont to return him to bed. After a short but LONG 10 minutes Jack gave up and climbed into bed himself and went to sleep.
So we are still on our way, hopefully he will get it soon. I know patience and persistence are key. I hope nap times get better, well they are getting better but I
hope they are as good and bedtime soon enough and that he starts to nap as long as he was when he was in the crib. We seemed to have shortened to 2h instead of the great 3 - 3.5 h we were getting every day. Which right now just doesn't seem like enough of a break, but its better than nothing. anyway, off reorganize my closet. In great need of a dejunk in my life.
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