Thursday, September 23, 2010

Things I am learning:

- how to knit
- remembering to turn off the lights
- pick up after myself and clean up my "projects" b/c my piles aren't as accepted by others as well as they are by myself.
- check around for the lowest price before buying (wow me? being thrifty?? buying diapers and a ton of baby shit will do that i think)
- slowly I am becoming less grossed out to the slime and mess feeding a baby solids. (is that learning? i don't know.)
- to use my creativity for other things - like I LOVE TO MAKE STUFF!!!
- that it's ok to not be painting all the time
- that art sales are not attached to my self worth and being an artist does not only shape who I am. (hard pill to swallow, but this is a big one)
- being a mommy is a lot of work, and not quite the bubble I had in my pre-baby fantasy BUT, it is even more amazing than I thought.
- how to ask God for help, constantly.
- TRUST. that he is so much bigger than me and that he really is in control.
- the art of photography and falling more and more in love with it each day. the way light hits an object, the angles of the tiny details, capturing a moment in history. oooooooo. it's not just about taking pictures, it's about making art.

I'm sure there is more, but this is what I can think of right now... hmm i think I need to consciously think about what I am learning more often.


Katrina said...

Lol @ 'pick up after myself and clean up my "projects" b/c my piles aren't as accepted by others as well as they are by myself.' Aaron and I can totally relate!

Julie said...

Hi Heather,
Learning to not attach your self worth to art sales TOTALLY resonates. You are doing great stuff here. Thanks for sharing.